Friday, December 4, 2009

So what's this world cup worth ?

EDIT: my 50th post....woo hoo

Football’s 2010 World Cup will see a total of $420 million in prize money handed out, a 61-per-cent increase on the last tournament in 2006.

FIFA announced the prize money after its Executive Committee meeting on Thursday on South Africa’s Robben Island, the site of the jail where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.

Bloomberg reports that the
- 2010 World Cup winner will get $30 million
- The runner-up will get $24 million,
- and all teams participating will get $1 million.

EDIT : And probably the most interesting fact.
Clubs who contribute players to teams competing in the World Cup will get $1600 per day, per player. This payment was agreed with clubs, who have promised not to pursue any claims or compensation through civil courts, but only through FIFA, or the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

At the executive meeting, FIFA also decided to keep the existing Olympics football tournament rules for the 2012 London Olympics, allowing teams to use players under 23 years old, plus three over-age players.


  1. Good one mate. So how much do you think can Liverpool make to reduce their debt?

  2. not much...there's very little of the spanish armada there now right?
