Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My old man's view on the India- Aussie series

My dad is an ardent fan of cricket.There are very few people i have met in my life with his indepth knowledge of the game.Today he asked me to post this on my blog so here goes.

"This is about the ongoing 7 match one day series between india and Australia.First of all why play 7 matches.Australian coach Tim Neilsen and skipper Ponting become wiser after 4 games have been played by stating that it is all for TV & media rights.If they feel so strongly now why did they not give their opinion to Cricket Australia before this tour was finalized and put their foot down.But they won't as if they had Neilsen would not have got his booty and Ponting's place in the KKR team for the IPL 2010 edition would be in doldrums.Even a die hard cricket fan like me finds this series as too long,boring and possibly going the India way 4-3.It is 2-2 now.On 5th Novemeber it will become 3-2 in favour of one the 6th game it might become 3-3.And in the final game in Mumbai India will in all probability will win a "cliffhanger" to "clinch" the series 4-3 and the cricket mad Indian public will burst crackers till beyond midnight and disturb the peace of old and sick people and the poor dogs"

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