Thursday, December 3, 2009

Usain Bolt to rock Delhi....EDITED

Usain Bolt will be the star attraction at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, according to Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi.

Speaking at a Sports Breakfast held alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Port of Spain, Tobago, Kalmadi confirmed Bolt would take part in the October 3 to 14 event, the Times of India reports.

The announcement is a shot in the arm for the event, which has been plagued by venue construction delays and organisational problems. Kalmadi said that the preparations were on track and venues would begin to be completed by May.


Edit: As per the times of india today, Mt Kalmadi has denied any such confirmations.He alleges that his words were misinterpreted by the press.He has only spoken to Bolt's agent and had invited Bolt over.

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